Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

the last days i have been kind of busy. this is the last week as a 15 year old girl. the 22.january is my birthday and i am so excited to be 16! there is still so much to do and to plan.but thats not all. the next weeks are already planned. extra cheerleading for beeing well prepaired for the competetion in 4 weeks and we have to work on our ten sing concert.we still need to plan the whole i am not able to post that often i am sorry but i hope you understand !

5 Kommentare:

  1. Tolles Outfit!

    Würde mich freuen wenn du bei mir vorbeischaust,
    habe zur Zeit ein Gewinnspiel am Laufen und würde mich freuen wenn du teilnehmen würdest,
    es gibt tolle Sachen zu gewinnen :)

    Liebste Grüße,
    Strange Obsessions

  2. Wow schönes Outfit! Schaue mir jetzt deinen Blog genauer an :)

  3. Really cute cardi with that hat is just perfect :). Cute drawing in the end of post by the way :)!!Lovely blog :)
